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札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » A Voluntary Tax


A Voluntary Tax

2017年6月16日 (金)

I’ve been thinking about ways that the government raises money. Of course, there are many different taxes and fees that people have to pay in their daily lives, and taxes and fees for companies, too.

Many people don’t like paying tax, and some people complain when the government tries to introduce a new tax or a tax increase. I have even heard of people refusing to pay some fees such as NHK fees, because they don’t believe the money is used well.

However, there is at least one way for the government to raise money that doesn’t seem to make people upset. In fact, this way is unique because it is voluntary – some people pay, and others don’t, but everyone is free to choose. The government actually gets people to give money by making it fun and exciting, so people actually volunteer to pay. For some people, it is even like a hobby.

What kind of tax is this? Have you ever paid it?

If you think you know the answer, tell me your idea next time you see me in class.

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