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Bar Review
2014年9月18日 (木)
Today I’d like to return to a topic I have visited before: I’ll write a review of a local bar.
I recently tried the new Nikka Bar in the Akarenga Terrace building.
They have a very nice sound system, and when I went in it was playing low-energy, cool jazz – similar to Miyakoshiya Coffee. The room is decorated with dark wood, and they have a baby grand piano in the middle of the floor, so I assume they have live music sometimes.
The lights were low, and it was a very comfortable and relaxing place.
The only negative point was this:
The entrance is a little bit narrow, and I had trouble getting out because another person was coming in at the same time.
This is primarily a whiskey bar, and they have a wide variety of high quality and rare Nikka whiskeys. They have a few American Bourbons and Scotch whiskys, all of fair quality. They also can make any standard cocktail, and they have a small selection of fruity and refreshing Hokkaido wines.
I do not recommend drinking brandy at this bar – their entire selection was overpriced and uninteresting.
The charge was 1000 yen, which is a bit expensive, but my drink came with soft chocolate (I don’t know for sure, but I think it was Royce’s.), one Japanese karinto, and a piece of dry fruit grown in Yoichi. These were all very delicious.
Their regular whiskey started at 1500 yen, and their cocktails and other drinks were all under 1000 yen.
I recommend this bar for people who like Nikka whiskey, because they have a very wide selection of unusual and special Nikka brand whiskeys. It has a nice quiet atmosphere, so it could be a good place to relax after work.
However, because the prices are rather high, I can’t recommend this bar to people who want to drink anything other than Nikka whiskey. There are much cheaper and also much nicer cocktail bars in Susukino, and I still think Bar Takeuchi is the best bar in the Sapporo station area for a quiet, high-quality drink.
The Nikka Bar is much better than Suntory’s Avanti chain of bars, and it has a very good atmosphere, but it is nothing special.