ー英会話講師の英語日記ー 札幌英会話スクールSTEP UP(札幌駅、大通駅徒歩5分)


札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Bill & Ted


Bill & Ted

2018年10月15日 (月)

I recorded this because I saw it eons ago when I was a teenager and I really enjoyed it then. Having matured a little since then, I expected it to be dated and no longer funny. When it began it was a riot of eighties colour and hair, no real plot, and terrible acting. However, I stuck at it because I remembered the character of death to be rather amusing. After around the first twenty minutes I began to enjoy it, once I had switched off my brain, and as dumb and ludicrous as the film was, it was actually still a fun watch. I was right, it hadn’t dated well but if you need an hour to forget your troubles this slice of dumb eighties humour can still put a smile on an old cynic like me.


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