ー英会話講師の英語日記ー 札幌英会話スクールSTEP UP(札幌駅、大通駅徒歩5分)


札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Chocolate



2017年12月17日 (日)

Hello everyone! How are you on this cold, cold day? On cold days, I like to eat chocolate or at least drink it. Hot chocolate is divine in cold weather. I recently taught a lesson on chocolate and was quite surprised that the first ever chocolate bar was actually produced in England (not the first ever chocolate, just the big block shaped ones). The chocolate company Cadbury was the first to introduce it in 1842 (please don’t quote me on that!). Actually chocolate first came from South America more than 4,000 years ago but now most of it is made in Africa and it takes about 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of chocolate!! That is incredible! American chocolate manufacturers use about 3.5 million pounds of whole milk every day to make milk chocolate. I think it clear that it isn’t only me who loves chocolate. I hope everyone has a wonderful chocolate filled day!

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