
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » February means.. FITNESS!


February means.. FITNESS!

2013年2月22日 (金)

As February is coming to an end, I decided to start a new fitness program. As most of you know, I love fitness. I feel alive when I play sports, so from last week I decided to try harder with my physical fitness. I will research some healthy recipes and diets to help me reach my fitness goal. I wonder if any students have good recipes? If you know of a good recipe, please tell me.
Also I have noticed the snow is getting CRAZY! I have never seen so much snow in Sapporo. While it was good for the snow festival, I really feel sorry for all the people who have to wake up early and shovel the snow. I live somewhere with heated parking so I dont need to shovel. I am sorry to everyone who is having a tough winter!!! Take care and dont give up. Spring will come soon!

