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Flowers in bloom
2012年5月24日 (木)
Hello everyone! I hope you are all fit and healthy. Recently my knee condition has improved a great deal and I feel like I might finally be able to start doing exercise and sports again. Thank you to everyone who has cheered me on. Having an injury is never easy, especially when you aren`t in your home country.
Anyway, today I saw that there is a flower festival in Odori park and I thought I might go and check it out this weekend. I am not such a flower person because I have hayfever but I enjoy looking at the beautiful colours of the flowers. I am hoping this year to finally visit Furano and see the lavender fields. According to the website the lavender blooms in late June and reaches its peak at the end of july. I have never seen them, so I think I will plan a trip there around that time. If you have been there, please let me know the best time to go. I also heard that there is lavender ice cream, which i can`t even imagine!! I once tried some natto flavored ice cream and I`m sorry but it was TERRIBLE. This year I`m definitely going to try lavender ice cream, there is no way it can be worse than natto ice cream!