
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Gilda



2017年4月9日 (日)

From 1946 comes a movie about a small time gambler who manages to get a job at a casino and discovers an old flame has married his boss. An awkward and tense relationship ensues with the boss becoming more suspicious as the story progresses. This is a film with quite an average script and some overly strong direction but which is transformed by the lead actress Rita Hayworth.

No matter what you think of the plot or the directing, this is about only one thing, Rita Hayworth. She is stunning as the woman trying to balance the relationship between the two men. Her performance grabs you and holds you through out, dominating the film. It is easy to see where Marilyn Monroe got her ideas about acting and seductive power in front of the camera, just watch this movie.

Movie Rating 10/10


