ー英会話講師の英語日記ー 札幌英会話スクールSTEP UP(札幌駅、大通駅徒歩5分)


札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Hairspray



2017年7月21日 (金)

Another musical but this one is much more recent. Released in 2007 it stars John Travolta dressed as the overweight mother of a wannabe dancer. Originally written by John Waters in 1988 ( a somewhat odd film which I wouldn’t recommend ) and then adapted for stage before becoming this movie. I had little interest in this film when I began watching it but it turned out to be hugely entertaining. It deals with the issue of racial segregation in the U.S. in 1960`s  Baltimore but in a surprisingly lighthearted and humorous way. The musical numbers are excellent as are the dancing and acting. John Travolta works well with Christopher Walken, and even Michelle Pfeiffer isn’t too annoying. It was a critical and financial success at the box-office, and deservingly so.

Highly recommended if you are feeling down or need a movie for a rainy day.

Rating 9/10

Wannabe – someone who wants to be something

adapted for – changed to fit

odd – strange

turned out to be – to have a particular result

Racial segregation – dividing people due to their race or skin colour


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