
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Holidays in Europe


Holidays in Europe

2012年8月24日 (金)

I hope you are all enjoying the last days of summer in Hokkaido!

Recently I went on holiday to Europe. First I spent ten days in the south of France. I stayed in a tiny village which is about one hour by car from Nice. The village is called Saorge. You should visit if you have a chance, it is such a lovely place. After that I went to Italy to attend the wedding of a friend. From there I flew back home to Ireland, where I saw my family and met my new niece, Hannah. She is so cute. She has red hair and big blue eyes!

I had a great trip, but I was really happy to come back home to Sapporo. Now I am looking forward to the first snow!
Take care!

