
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » keep riding!


keep riding!

2010年10月30日 (土)

With all the snow that`s fallen lately, I`m sure many of you have put your bikes away for the winter. Don`t do it! Keep riding!! You`d be surprised how nice it is to ride a bike along the snowy sidewalks. As more and more people hide indoors from the cold weather, now is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the lessening foot traffic. Plus, continuing to ride your bicycle will keep you in good shape through the winter. Sure there may be some days riding will be difficult, but overall you`ll save quite a bit of money by riding your bike. Don`t worry if you don`t have studded tires – I don`t have them and I didn`t fall once last winter. Just go slowly and enjoy being outside. And don`t forget a good pair of gloves and a hat. Ride safely!

