
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Learning some geography


Learning some geography

2017年2月23日 (木)

Hello everyone. So, as everyone knows, I love challenging myself. This month Ive decided to learn all the prefectures in Japan. This is not so easy for me because I seemingly have the memory of a fish when it comes to remembering kanji. Today I was teaching one of my high school students and she told me that it was really easy to remember the prefectures and what is famous in each area. I think the education system in Japan is amazing because I`m not confident that I would be able to name all the counties in England and what each county is famous for. My county is Lincolnshire and it is famous for sausages.

I wonder if there is an easy way to remember all the kanji and places in Japan. If you know a cheat to help my memory, please tell me!!!

