
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Let take a drive!


Let take a drive!

2017年5月11日 (木)

Hello everyone. I hope everyone is enjoying the spring/summer weather. As most of you know, last year I passed my driving test in Japan. I got my license in November. Since I got my license I have constantly been thinking whether or not to buy a car and furthermore should that car be manual or automatic. I have finally come to the decision that for now at least, I will rent a car at the weekends and do day trips. This makes me ask my next question; Where should I go?  Hokkaido is such a beautiful prefecture and there is a lot of explore but for a one or two day trip with a dog where is good?  I was thinking about a trip to Furano to see the beautiful flowers. Has anyone been there? Is it pet-friendly? To be honest, my biggest concern is if my dog will enjoy it. He doesn’t like the great outdoors as much as me, so it is always an uphill struggle to get him enthusiastic about my day trips. Anyway, if you have any pet-friendly recommendation, please let me know!

