
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » love is…what?


love is...what?

2017年3月16日 (木)

Hello everyone! It is the month of love. I love February because it is when valentines is. When I was a child I used to run down stairs and see if I got a card every year. In England it is common for a guy (or girl) to declare his love by sending the person he loves a card. Now, this isn’t so exciting but usually the person who declares their love doesn’t sign their name, so sometimes you actually know who sent you a card. Having a secret admirer was very James Bond, my friends and I would spend hours trying to figure out who sent it.

In Japan it is common for women to give men some baked goods or chocolate on valentines day, to me this is strange. I never gave anyone chocolate on valentines day in UK. However I did once give someone a GIANT cookie that said “bee mine” (it had a bee drawn on it, I thought I was very witty). I like the idea that men get chocolate on this day but I’m a little sad that women don’t get any, although I guess women get the last laugh because they can get something in March!! I however think it should be the other way around… women should get roses and flowers on valentines and men should get cookies and baked goods in March! Let me know what you think.

