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札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Maruyama Mountain

Maruyama Mountain
2017年9月8日 (金)
Last weekend I went to Maruyama Park with a friend to go for a walk around the park. When we got to the park, we decided to go up Maruyama Mountain instead. I wasn’t wearing the proper clothes or shoes, but we went anyway. It’s one kilometer from the foot of the mountain to the top and the path is not so steep. It took about 30 minutes to reach the top. It was a great day and the view was amazing. We could see the entire city of Sapporo from the top.
This is a hike that I can recommend to almost anyone. You don’t need any special equipment or shoes, so it’s a very good place to go to when you just want to get some light exercise and fresh air. Fall is coming, so let’s enjoy hiking up Maruyama Mountain this year to see the fall leaves!