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Moving forward
2013年2月18日 (月)
Hey everybody, hope you all are warm and happy during this exceptionally snowy February. I’ve been enjoying this winter immensely. The mountains are full of fluffy powder to snowboard thru and the buildings are all warmly heated inside. I like to think that winters in Hokkaido are a chance for me to be more active than in the warmer months. I like to think I’m acclimated to Hokkaido’s frigid temps, that anything can be done in winter.
My enthusiasm might die this week…
I’m moving to a new apartment, and am finding it especially troublesome in the cold. The snow makes it difficult to carry things outside. The ice makes it scary to move heavy furniture. My new apartment is always freezing when I bring over boxes. The gas hasn’t been turned on yet so no hot showers.
Moving is definitely easier in the spring.
Oh well, at least I’ll be happily set up in my new place when the cherry blossoms start blooming 🙂