札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » New Year’s Resolution

New Year's Resolution
2013年1月16日 (水)
Hello everyone! How was your New Year’s holiday? I hope you all enjoyed the start of the year.
Every year many people around the world think about what they want to do or change in the coming year. In English we call this a New Year’s resolution. Some people decide to go to the gym, while others decide to start a new hobby.
This year I have three simple New Year’s resolutions.
1. I want to try and save as much money as possible. I think we need to think about the future and saving money is really important.
2. I want to get more regular exercise. Actually, I really don’t like exercising but I know it’s important for both our physical and mental health.
3. I want to study Japanese! This year I will concentrate on learning kanji and grammar. Hopefully I can improve my vocabulary along the way, too!
So what are your New Year’s resoluations this year? Let’s do our best to make 2013 a great year! Good luck to all of you!