
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Pessimist or Optimist?


Pessimist or Optimist?

2010年2月25日 (木)

Hey up! So snowboard season is coming to a close and I`m looking forward to some spring cycling. Now I`m planning my cycle route for golden week.  Im hoping to do maybe a 6 day tour.  If I dont start planning it, I`ll be depressed that snowboard season is coming to a close.  I think it`s important to look ahead with optimism. Are you an optimist or pessimist?  (you can`t cheat and say you`re a “realist”, which is a mixture of the two).  Anyway, hope you`re all not getting too wet with the slushy snow.  Have a good one !

