札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Practice makes perfect!
Practice makes perfect!
2012年3月1日 (木)
Hey all. I can feel winter is coming to an end and I am super excited about the coming of spring. Every year I love winter but as I am injured this year I haven`t enjoyed it as much as before. What have you been doing this winter? I heard that snow conditions have been great this year, so if you have been snowboarding or skiing, please tell me about it. I have been dying to go to the mountain all winter. As I can`t snowboard I have been spending my time doing other things. Recently I have been cooking a lot. Tonight I am going to cook a Hawaiian dish called “Loco Moco” (it seems really easy just hamburger, egg, rice and some sauce). I have also been perfecting (by practicing!) my lasagna. Last month I made about 6 lasagnas! As my mother always told me “practice makes perfect”.
Just before I go, I wanted to thank all the students who have been worried about me. Recently I have been particularly unlucky. My newest injury is my meniscus which is the cushion-like thing in your knee. Not to worry though, I am getting better and should be as right as rain soon. Thank you to everyone for your support and kindness.