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Rate of change
2018年1月6日 (土)
In Japan it’s quite common for people to stay in touch throughout their lives, usually in the case of best friends. But it’s also common to meet up every several years with old classmates, possibly with an old teacher as well. There’s a novelty to seeing how your old classmates have changed over the years, and to share stories about your own life. In America we have class reunions, but they’re usually every 5 or 10 years. And while we may run into friends while home for the holidays, there’s less of a push to go out and meet up at the end of every year.
How much does a person change in a year? That depends on the person and the experiences they’ve had, right? But the rate of change is far less noticeable the more frequently we meet with people. It’s a slower, more gradual phenomena. I look forward to the next time I go home for the holidays, because it’s been at least 5 years since I’ve done so. That’s one of the things living abroad gives us – a chance to appreciate how we change over the years.