札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Running
2011年10月21日 (金)
Are there any runners out there? Too be honest, I have a hard time calling myself a runner. I only ran in one event this year (the Sapporo Marathon – 10k) and I didn’t really train at all. To be even more honest, I don’t particularly enjoy running. At least not the first 15 minutes, or so. What I enjoy is the feeling I have after running about 5kms – that “runner’s high”, as it’s called. That, and the feeling of having gotten some good cardiovascular exercise after I’ve finished. Now is the season when it’s best to run. The air is cool and crisp, and the fallen leaves crunch quite satisfyingly under my shoes as I run through Hokudai’s campus. If you’ve ever wanted to try running, now is the season! Buy a discount pair of running shoes, charge your Ipod, and try running (lightly) for 20 or 30 minutes without stopping. I bet you’ll learn to like it – at least as much as I do;)