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Self Reliance
2012年2月9日 (木)
One of my favorite American writers was a man named Ralph Waldo Emerson. He lived over a hundred years ago and was a major figure in what was known as the Transcendental Movement.
Emerson believed that people should try their best to be self-reliant (自力本願) and I think he was right! But how?
Well, there are many ways. This year I’m going to try to grow more of my own food. I think people living in cities depend too much on supermarkets and convenience stores for food. What happens if there’s another earthquake, or something worse? A bad situation would quickly develop.
So now I’m trying to develop and indoor growing system to grow more vegetables. It should be a fun challenge!
I hope you’ll also try to grow some of your own food as well. It’s the best way we can be self-reliant and ECO at the same time:)
Talk to you later ~ Jon