
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Slightly over the snow


Slightly over the snow

2009年2月23日 (月)

Hey everyone, how are you all? Hope you`re you :-). This week the snow has really been falling!!!!! I woke up early on saturday and had to dig my car out of a mountain of snow. I think the position of my car was kind of unlucky, the wind stacked the snow against it. It was a PAIN THE NECK!!! Finally my lovely neighbor came out and helped,although Im not sure what advice she gave me because she spoke sooooooo fast! I`ve been feeling over the snow recently, although only IN sapporo, not at the mountain. Wouldn`t it be be perfect if the snow we had to shovel magically moved to the mountain and made extra powder?!!! I can dream……

