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Space Balls
2017年10月19日 (木)
Space Balls
For all you Starwars fans this is the ultimate comedy parody staring two of the best 80`s comedy actors, Rick Moranis and John Candy. Penned by Mel Brooks it is a relentless series of childish jokes and overacting, which just works. It treads a line between stupid and terrible but always saves itself and manages to be entertaining throughout. I especially enjoyed the tap dancing alien chest burster scene at the end of the movie (this is not a spoiler as it has no relevance to the story) and the very unsubtle swipe at the merchandising that followed the Starwars franchise.
Childish, puerile, call it what you will but this is classic 80`s entertainment and highly recommended.
Rating 8/10 (It is a little dated)
Parody – to make fun of something by copying it in a funny or humorous way.
Relentless – will not stop
Over acting – to act in an over the top / over dramatic way.
Unsubtle – obvious, easy to see
Puerile – simple and childlike