札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Spring
2012年4月2日 (月)
Hello everyone! It`s been a while since I last wrote a diary entry. Sorry!
Spring has now finally come to Sapporo… Or has it??? The weather report says that it will snow every day this week. Can you belive that? But I`m sure the snow will melt quickly during the day. We still have to be careful of the icy roads at night and in the early morning.
What do you think about when you think of spring? Do you think of cherry blossoms? Do you think of sunny weather? When I think of spring, I usually think about cleaning! Does that sound crazy? Well, in North America many people do Spring Cleaning. We clean the entire house, inside and out. In Japan, Japanese people usually do the cleaning at New Years, but I think it`s too cold to clean at that time. Spring is the perfect time to clean up and start the year fresh!
I hope you enjoy the spring weather and spring activities!