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札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » The Hobbit


The Hobbit

2017年9月6日 (水)

Another mainstay of the British child’s canon, a short book that nearly all British children read as kids. So I was very dubious of it being made into a trilogy stretching over 9 hours, and I was right to be cynical. A short novel that has been padded out with unnecessary love stories, musical numbers and extended fighting sequences, this was not a good addition to Peter Jackson’s epic Lord of the Rings trilogy. A cynical cash cow, which although well acted, couldn’t disguise the bloated script and over the top computer effects. Although disappointing for fans of the book, it did have some moments of redemption, provided mostly by the fact it had such a big budget. Slow, plodding and dark it’s tough going through the three films but it you have a spare couple of days and you like Tolkien’s universe then it’s an enjoyable escape.

Only for die hard fantasy film fans because its slow, dark and at times soporific and childish.


Review score 6/10


A canon – A collection or list of sacred books/music

Dubious / Cynical – not trusting something fully. Wary of something.

To be padded out – have unnecessary material added

Trilogy – collection of three stories

Cash cow – a device for making money

Redemption – To find salvation, something that saves you from sin.

A die hard fan – someone who loves the subject.


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