
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » The Silly Season is Upon Us


The Silly Season is Upon Us

2006年12月14日 (木)

Hi everyone! Well, it’s that time of the year again and everyone is off to end-of-year parties, Christmas parties and of course, New Year’s is just around the corner.?@Many people over-indulge in alcoholic beverages – that’s why we call it the ‘silly’ season. Although many people don’t celebrate Christmas in Japan, most foreigners will?@get together for some roast chicken and traditional Christmas food as well as a glass of wine or two. This year it’s my turn to host Christmas so I’m hunting the supermarkets of Sapporo for as many whole chickens as I can find! Will you celebrate Christmas this year? What are your plans for New Year’s?

