札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Too touristy?
Too touristy?
2010年8月31日 (火)
Howdy folks ~ Hope everybody has been enjoying this sweltering summer heat! I`ve had an eventful August. I hiked in Taisetsuzan for four days with some friends, without injury or rescue. I did a car/camping tour of eastern Hokkaido, hitting Lake Akon, Onnetto, Kusharo and then Shiretoko and Abashiri before heading back to Sapporo. I have to say, though, that Shiretoko was a bit of a disappointment…It`s renowned as one of Hokkaido`s most beautiful areas, but all I really saw was lots of construction walls, convenience stores and tetrapods along the coastline. It`s as if the entire peninsula has been bonsaied into a tourist attraction…not a whole lot of unspoiled natural beauty remains. Why have people allowed this to happen, I wonder? Sorry if I sound negative, but for me Shiretoko was way too touristy. Taisetsusan was much prettier!