
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Wasabi antics


Wasabi antics

2017年2月28日 (火)

Hello everyone!

Today I want to talk about my dog. My dog is called “Wasabi” and I love him to the moon and back. I often call him my shadow because he is always with me when I am at home. Recently, he really enjoys snow shoveling with me. Wasabi thinks that he is “helping” me. He watches me collect the snow on my massive green shovel and then just as I am about to move the snow to the dumping spot, he jumps onto my shovel! He then looks back at me and I have to push him. This is completely the opposite of help, he causes a mini avalanche every time but alas, I love him so I push him for a little while then he jumps off and we repeat the whole process again. If I don`t let him jump on the shovel, he cries. Anyway, I wanted to share the photo of him jumping on my snow shovel. I hope everyone likes it.

