札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » wow… it`s a hot one today!
wow... it`s a hot one today!
2008年6月23日 (月)
Good morning everyone! What a beautiful day it is today, isn`t it? I looked out my window and felt the need to update my ipod with some summer TUNES! Maybe a little bit of the beach boys or some ting ting tings. Anyway, this weekend I went to a wedding. Im still shocked the differences between Japanese weddings and British weddings. Most of the women wore dark dresses, I wanted to wear a colourful dress but my friends advised me against it. However I must say I much prefer the food at Japanese weddings, its much healthier. Well I had a great great weekend. Hope you all did too. Remember- the sun burns, dont forget your suncream today!!!!