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札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Yay! Cherry blossoms


Yay! Cherry blossoms

2018年5月11日 (金)

Hello everyone. When I first came to Japan, everyone told me about the four seasons of Japan. I was told that the seasons clearly changed and this was celebrated by seasonal food and festivals. Now I can confidently say, I am obsessed with the changing of seasons. I am excited to see what flavor ice cream will be released and what wonderful flavored drinks will come. Around this time is of course, the cherry blossom period. There are so many cherry blossom flavored things. I am not sure how to describe the taste of cherry blossoms, other than it is quite unique. It isn’t just food and drinks, there are all types of cherry blossom goods. Last week at my gym, a woman was wearing cherry blossom print training tights!! I hope everyone enjoys this time of year even if it is only for a short time. Cherry blossoms really are a national treasure.

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