イギリス人講師 Allan アラン
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » STEP UP 講師紹介 » 英会話講師 Allan アラン
(2009年7月帰国 2006年2月~2009年3月 3年1ヶ月勤務)
Hello! My name is Allan. I`m from Cornwall, England.
I studied law at university in England, then moved to Japan in March 2005.
I love Hokkaido, especially Hokkaido ramen and seafood! I enjoy playing sports, including soccer, tennis and cricket.
Japan is a very interesting country, and hopefully living here will help me to improve my Japanese!
An update...
2008年9月18日 (木)
Hi everyone, how y`all doing? It`s been a little while since my last diary entry, so I`m not sure sure where to begin. Well, this summer has been excellent. A few weeks ago, I went to Shiretoko and Akan with some friends, which was great. Luckily, I can`t drive, so I could look at the scenery as we drove through some beautiful countryside! Shiretoko was terrific; in particular the hot waterfall was very special. The only unfortunate thing about the trip was that I didn`t have a chance to see any bears- now that would`ve been awesome. Ah, well, maybe next time!
2008年6月14日 (土)
I`ve been enjoying the sunshine this week, and getting into the summer groove. We`ve found that the riverbanks of the Toyahira river are nice places to while away a warm afternoon. Recently, I`ve been spending quite a bit of time down there. Last week, we had a BBQ there while playing some football, and this week I played tennis on one of the public courts. The only slight downside to all this activity is sunburn- I`m toasted!
2008年5月26日 (月)
After looking in the mirror recently and finding my reflection to be a little “rotund,” I`ve decided to try to eat more healthily. Usually in the U.K people eat meat at least once a day, and often twice. In Japan however, many people eat a lot of fish, and not so much meat, and I have to say they look healthier than me! So, I`m going to try to eat more fish and less meat from now on. We`ll see how long this lasts! Have a good week everyone!
1月のお得情報 1: 『1000円英会話』 9,800円で始めよう クーポン! | |
1月のお得情報 2: 『個人レッスン』 入会金半額(10,000円) クーポン!! | |
1月のお得情報 3: 『チケットTOEIC』 19,800円で始めよう クーポン! | |
お得情報: 『個人レッスン + 1000円会員制グループ』も (詳細へ) | |
体験申込み: お気軽に楽しく充実したレッスンをご体験下さい。 |