イギリス人講師 Gerry ジェリー
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » STEP UP 講師紹介 » 英会話講師 Gerry ジェリー
(2007年8月帰国 2004年4月~2007年7月 3年3ヶ月勤務)
年間 STEP UP で教え、大学で講師もしていた、Gerryは大学院で勉強するためにロンドンに帰国しました。 でも、GerryとDanielがDJを勤めたラジオ番組はHPで聴いていただけます。英語のリスニング練習用にご利用ください
Hello, my name is Gerry and I moved from London to Sapporo two years ago.
I love teaching English and living in Hokkaido because I can enjoy the 'great outdoors'.
I love all sports especially football, snowboarding, hiking and golf.
I also enjoy traveling and want to see many places in Asia, as well as Japan.
White Christmas
2006年12月16日 (土)
Hello everyone. Christmas is not far away now. I am looking forward to a white Sapporo Christmas for the first time in 3years. Last year I was in Vietnam for Christmas, and I went back to England the year before, so it will be nice to spend the festive season in Sapporo. I hope you have all been good boys and girls and thast Santa brings you all the presents you want! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
Can`t wait for winter!
2006年11月1日 (水)
Hello everyone, it is definetely getting colder these days and I am sure snow is just around the corner. I can`t wait to get my snowboard out and head to the mountains again! Also I am looking forward to the cosy feeling of being in a nice warm apartment while it is snowing outside-maybe eating nabe or sukiyaki or some other delicious winter food. I hope you are all looking forward to winter too-the only bad thing is the icy streets. Remember to take care and try to stay on two feet!
My summer holiday
2006年9月13日 (水)
Hi everyone, it has been a long time! I just returned from my holiday to Europe. I had a great time visiting my family and friends in England and enjoyed a trip to France where I ate lots of cheese and drank lots of wine and visited Paris. It was lovely. I am very happy to be back in Sapporo now though-I missed hot springs, park golf, ramen and karaoke! I am looking forward to Autumn and all the beautiful colours in Hokkaido. I hope you all had a great summer too and I will see you soon.
2月のお得情報 1: 『1000円英会話』 9,800円で始めよう クーポン! | |
2月のお得情報 2: 『個人レッスン』 入会金半額(10,000円) クーポン!! | |
2月のお得情報 3: 『チケットTOEIC』 19,800円で始めよう クーポン! | |
お得情報: 『個人レッスン + 1000円会員制グループ』も (詳細へ) | |
体験申込み: お気軽に楽しく充実したレッスンをご体験下さい。 |