ステップアップ-STEP UP・カナダ人講師 Hayden ヘイドン
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » STEP UP 講師紹介 » 英会話講師 Hayden ヘイドン
(2010年3月帰国 2006年4月~2008年4月 2009年4月~2010年3月 3年1ヶ月勤務)
カナダ出身のヘイドン、今年の4月からSTEP UPの講師に、 大手スクールで幼児から大人まで教えていた経験を生かした、工夫された、わかりやすいレッスンを 体験してみては
Hey, I'm Hayden. I moved to Tomakomai in September 2002 and have been enjoying teaching English in Hokkaido ever since.
I graduated University with a B.A. in Criminology in 2001.
I love snowboarding four or five times a week and when I'm not at Highland I like swimming,
listening to Hip Hop on oversized headphones and traveling wherever the road takes me.
Ice Fall Festival
2010年2月11日 (木)
Hey there everyone. Have you ever been to Sounkyo? I went there last week to snowboard, but the ropeway was closed. It was -15 at night, but I braved the cold and went to the Ice Fall Festival. It was very beautiful but far too cold to take pictures, so I hope you like this one!!!!
2009年12月10日 (木)
My friend Danny gave me a Kerosene (toyu) heater to use this winter. It is so much warmer than my old heater, and my toes are nice and toasty now. The only problem is, it is very humid. We had to get a humidifier to stop the prolem. Eveyday, there is almost 500ml of water! I wonder if it is safe to drink. It probably tastes gross, though. Do you have the same problem in your house? How did you solve it?
Black Mountain
2009年11月28日 (土)
I had my first real taste of snowshoeing last weekend. My friend Sophie and I hiked to the top of Kurodake in Sounkyo. It was far more difficult than I realised, but we both made it. The views were beautiful even though the weather report was bad. It was so much fun that I will have to start going to the gym more often to prepare for my next snowshoeing adventure.
1月のお得情報 1: 『1000円英会話』 9,800円で始めよう クーポン! | |
1月のお得情報 2: 『個人レッスン』 入会金半額(10,000円) クーポン!! | |
1月のお得情報 3: 『チケットTOEIC』 19,800円で始めよう クーポン! | |
お得情報: 『個人レッスン + 1000円会員制グループ』も (詳細へ) | |
体験申込み: お気軽に楽しく充実したレッスンをご体験下さい。 |