
札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Hard work


Hard work

2016年10月4日 (火)

Hi everyone, how has 2016 been so far for you? I’m writing this on the 5-year anniversary of the 2011 tsunami. I hope you’ll take a moment to remember that day
and those people who were so unfortunate to have lost their lives. I wonder how much has changed since then?

Well, spring is right around the corner and I know many of you are looking forward to warmer weather! Speaking of looking forward, I want to take a moment to
congratulate a student of mine here at StepUp. This student studied intensely with us and finally, after lots of test taking and essay writing, has been accepted into
a medical program at Harvard University!

I’m really proud of his hard work and dedication to improving his language ability. He came in as a beginner and is leaving as a highly proficient speaker. Our lessons
have been challenging but very fun, and I’m going to miss teaching him.

This student has been a reminder to me that hard work is the key to reaching your dreams. Let’s let him be an inspiration to us all, this year.

Cheers! qrc:///xui/tray_popup/win/index.html#

