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Bicycle bicycle bicycle, I want to ride my bicycle!
2017年1月31日 (火)
I really think the Queen song “Bicycle Race” was written about me, especially the lines “I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like”. I think for me though, it would be more appropriate to say “when I like” rather than “where I like”. Most of my students know that I LOVE riding in winter. In fact, I have just built my own snow bike. I usually ride between 20km and 30km a day. I am not sure what motivates me to do it other than the pure love for bikes. I was supposed to buy a car after passing my drivers test last year but I just can`t give up riding my bike… it is my addiction! Last night I called my dad and he always tells me that it is too dangerous to ride in winter but I assure him that its relatively safe. I wonder if anyone else has this passion? A few years ago I used to annually ride to Rishiri island, it was my favourite thing to do in summer, I even rode my bike to Akita once. I seem to be constantly evolving my bicycle love, one year it is touring, the next bmx, the next snow riding…I wonder what next year has in store for me. Anyway, thank you to all my students who worry about me in winter, I really appreciate all the kindness.