ー英会話講師の英語日記ー 札幌英会話スクールSTEP UP(札幌駅、大通駅徒歩5分)


札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Over in the blink of an eye.


Over in the blink of an eye.

2017年9月21日 (木)

This year’s Obon holiday has come and gone in Sapporo, and so has my mother. She stayed with me for 12 days. We spent more time together than we have in the last 30 years.

To be honest, I was a little concerned that guiding her around would be a hassle. I worried that she’d be picky about food, or headstrong about seeing different sites around Hokkaido. Of course, I wanted her to have the best time possible. But I wasn’t really looking forward to driving across Hokkaido to visit Shiretoko, or Wakanai or some other far off place when the roads are so crowded. Thankfully, she was very content to hang out with her son and his Japanese family, taking little trips around Sapporo, or on occasion to Lake Toya and Shikotsuko.

I realized that my mom is actually pretty cool. She’s very easy-going, happy to hang out with my friends, and fairly adventurous with new food. All in all we had a very good time. When I talked to her after she’d returned to the states, she said the entire trip was like a dream.

Over in the blink of an eye.

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