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札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師英語日記 » Why I am happy to live in Japan – Part 7: No Tipping


Why I am happy to live in Japan – Part 7: No Tipping

2018年2月11日 (日)

I grew up in a country with a tipping culture. People in the service industry in America generally get tips from customers. For example, we pay tips in places like restaurants and bars, but also for taxi service, at a hair or nail salon, for bed making and room service at hotels, and even for window cleaning or valet service at some parking areas.

As customers, we always have to be aware of tips when we order food or other services, and choosing the correct amount to tip can be difficult. It is stressful, and sometimes confusing. On the other hand, service workers often get very low hourly wages, and need to get tips from customers in order to have enough money to live on. These workers can’t always expect how much they will be paid for working one day, because tips can be decided by the customers. A worker might get good tips one day, and very poor tips the next day. That adds a lot of stress and pressure to the lives of people in the service industry, and I also think it makes some customers have rude behavior.

In Japan, the service at all of the areas I mentioned (hotels, bars & restaurants, salons, taxi companies, etc.) is extremely good. Customers get good treatment, and workers get regular pay based on how long they work, so it is easier for them to plan. I think this is a better system for both workers and consumers.

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