英語学習にも役立つ、札幌の外国人英語教師の英語日記 札幌 英会話 [ステップアップ]


札幌 英会話 STEP UP ホーム » 講師の英語日記

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Non-stop summer

2005年10月4日 (火)

Hello everyone! I have only just found time to write in the diary as I have had a very busy summer. Some of my friends from England came to visit me in Sapporo and my brother and sisters also made their first trip to Japan. I met them in Osaka and we visited Tokyo, Kyoto, Himeji and Hiroshima before coming up to Hokkaido. It was great to see them and they loved Japan and Japanese culture. I felt like a tour guide! I also hitch-hiked around Tohoku and spent some time in Shiretoko-but luckily I didn`t meet any bears! Next weekend i am going to Daisetzusan to climb some mountains and relax in some wild onsens. The fun never stops! Hokkaido is a great place to explore and soon it will snow so we can ski and snowboard again. Hooray! I hope you all had a fantastic summer too. Bye for now.


Winter is around the corner

2005年9月23日 (金)

I feel like this summer has come to an end. It was hot and sunny and just the way a summer should be in Sapporo! Now though, it is getting cold and it is raining every day. Soon I won’t be able to ride my much-loved scooter and I will have to use the crowded humid subway and try not to slip on the icy winter roads. But winter brings a lot of cosy moments! I used to love sitting in front of an open fire, drinking cocoa back home. Here I don’t have an open fire so my gas range will have to do. But, it’s the moment that counts! All the convenience stores start selling Nikuman when it gets cold too. Maybe I get myself a juicy hot pizza-man sometime soon. I miss them!


Golden Week in Tohoku

2005年5月18日 (水)

In Golden Week I set sail for Tohoku – an area I had heard was famous for cherry blossoms, samurai villages and cow tongue. I took the overnight ferry from Tomakomai (which was very comfortable) and arrived in Sendai early the next morning. The weather was warmer than Sapporo’s so I was immediately happy! Some highlights of my trip included Matsushima, Chuson-ji, Lake Tazawa and especially Kakunodate for it’s beautiful weeping cherry blossoms and lovely samurai houses. I also had an interesting afternoon in the local Lake Tazawa Brewery called “ORAE” where my friends and I drank lots of delicious beer! The worst things about my trip were the traffic jams and the cold nights spent shivering in my tent! Before heading back to Sapporo I made sure to sample the famous “gyu-tan” and found it to be very tender and delicious. I was a little surprised! I had a wonderful time in Tohoku and would recommend this area to anyone wanting a holiday with history, natural beauty and good beer!


Yubari Fantastic Film Festival

2005年2月21日 (月)

When I read about the Yubari Fantastic Film Festival I immediatley knew that I wanted to go. I love movies and I thought it would be a great opportunity to see some Japanese films with English sub-titles. I also wanted to try some famous Yubari melon ice-cream! I looked on the internet and decided which movies I wanted to see. I was very excited! Then I became very disappointed. I tried to make a reservation at a hotel in Yubari and ALL of the hotels were fully booked. My boss told me that it’s a good idea to book a year in advance for such a popular festival. Now my plans have changed. I have decided to go to Niseko for the weekend. There are many hotels there – but unfortunately there aren’t any movie theatres!


Happy new year!

2005年1月18日 (火)

Hello and welcome to 2005! Happy new year! I hope you all had a great time in the new years holiday. I visited India because it is a place I have always wanted to go to. The people, culture, history and scenery were amazing and of course the food was great. I ate curry twice everyday which was fine because I love curry-its my favourite food! I spent 3 weeks in Rajastan travelling to many exciting and interesting places. After that I went back to England to see my family and friends. It was great to be home for a traditional English Christmas dinner-my second favourite food after curry! I hope you all had a relaxing time and enjoyed eating lots of tasty food.

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